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Meaning of Packaging : Packaging is the process of covering, wrapping or creating goods into a package before they are transported or stored or delivered to a consumer

Meaning of Packaging : Packaging is concerned with general group of activities of designing, package, producing the container or wrapper for a product, Thus, packaging is the sub-division of the Packaging function of marketing.


According to-

1 William J. Stanton, “Packaging may be defined as the general group of activities in product planning which involve designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product."

2. Mason & Rath, "Packaging in the case of containers and wrapping materials plus decoration and labelling to protect the product, to help and promote its sales, and to make it convenient for the customer to use the product."

On the basis of above we can say that, packing is an art, science and technology of preparing goods for proper transport and sale. For example, liquida are placed in bottles, cans or barrels but other goods may be packed in bags, jute etc. boxes,

Packaging Concept : Packaging is often called as the fifth P' of Marketing It gives an enhanced value to the product. There are three levels of packaging as below

(a) A primary package (b) A (c) The

secondary package transportation package Primary Package Secondry Package Transportation Package

Levels of Packaging would vary with the different types of product. Whether FMCG, Industrial, Durable, Liquid product. It would also vary with the distance over which it has to be transported.

OBJECTIVE OF PACKAGING The following are the objectives of a good packaging (1) It offers physical protection for the product against breakage, damage. leakage, etc.

(m) To identify the product easily through packaging differentiation. (in) To protect the contents from production to final use. (iv) To provide a suitable product mix including sizes, weights, prices and packages.



(v) To encourage repurchase and facilitate (vi) To ensure proper storage, (vii) To enable the display of contents (viii) To help complying with legal requirements


Packaging should perform the following basic functions:

(1) Protection : Protection is the primary function of packaging which protecte the products from the environmental and physical hazards. It facilitates safety in transit from plant to the retailers shelves. The following are specific functions, which provide protection to products :

(i) Stop pilferage during transit or storage (i) Absorption of moisture

(iii) Avoid breakage or damage due to rough handling during transportation (iv) Protect from loss of liquid or vapour.

(2) Appeal: Method to use the product, attractive advertising message and clear instruction given on the package label plays the role of a silent salesman as a effective appeal. The following characteristics have been identified to help on package perform the self-selling task:

(i) It helps in attracting attention. (i) It helps in telling the product story. (ii) It helps to look clean and hygienic. (iv) It helps to in-build confidence. (V) It must be easy to handle, to store and to use.

(3) Performance: This is the third function of a package. It must be able to perform the task for which it is designed. Hexit and Lifebuoy liquid are two example of packages that perform functionally because the product is useless unless the gun works to complete the product usages.

(4) Packaging for convenience : Packaging provides convenience to distribution channels and consumers because it must be designed in such a way that it must be convenient to stock. The convenience will relate to handling and stocking of packages. It helps to intermediaries and consumers in the following way:

(1) It must be convenient to transport. (ü) The packaging must be convenient to display, (ii) It must be convenient to handle.

(iv) The packaging must be convenient so that it does not waste shelf-space. (5) Cost-effectiveness : The packaging must be cost-effective. Packaging cost varies from one industry to another. The following costs are considered in determining packaging cost as a percentage of total cost : (1) Handling cost

(w) Storage cost (ui) Transport cost (v) Insurance cost for the transit period



strategies for packaging are sa below | Multiple Puchaging Struteny: lo multiple packaging markete taxe practice of placing several units in one container

2 Re usp packaging strategy In re-use packaging, the company des and promotes a package that can use other purposes after the original contenta have been consumed

3 Changing the packagestrategy: Afirm makes new products from the time. So, it must be essential to change packaging in place of old packaging

4. Cost-effectiveness strategy : According to cost effectiveney straten packaging is essential for a product so it should not become an unnecessary en Thus, it is important to study and compare the costs involved in packaging against benefits generated additionally


There are four types of packages

1. A consumer package: In consumer package the consumer has the optica to purchase the pack size which he considers adequate for the consumption des


2. A bulk package : Bulk packages are generally used for industria consumers like steel drums for paints, gallons for kerosene oil (20 litres) etc.

3. An Industrial package : Industrial packages are found in industrial area for durable goods. For example, Heavy-Machine packed with wooden materiale

4. A dual use package : In dual use packaging can be used after its contents have been consumed. For example, drinking glasses, bottles, boxes of jewellery waste-baskets, etc.


A well-designed and attractive package is self-salesman. A good package must possess the following qualities or attributes:

(1) It must be attractive (1) Suitable (in) Protective (iv) Informative (v) Convenient (vi) Economical (vii) Durable (viii) It should be pollution free.

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